Let it Go……

Frozen-Party-Shelf-DisplayZachary’s 5th birthday is just around the corner, and I’ve lost count how many times we’ve listened to the FROZEN soundtrack! He has almost perfect recall of all the lyrics and is OBSESSED with Olaf, Elsa, Anna, Sven & Kristoff! So, of course he requested a FROZEN themed party for his 5th Birthday. All he talks about is his FROZEN party!

I made up a rule in our household that the children don’t have a birthday party every year. It’s my way of teaching them that just because it’s your birthday, doesn’t mean you automatically get a party. It’s something to look forward to, and not a right but a privilege. 1st, 5th, 10th, maybe 13th and then 18th or 21st Birthday parties are on our schedule. The Birthdays in between are celebrated with family and maybe a few close friends for afternoon tea, a meal out or an activity like bowling. So far, so good. Charlotte, being 8 years old is quite at peace with our rule and understands the reason behind it too. There are so many children who never get to have a Birthday party and I want our children to be aware how lucky they are.

So, when they know it’s party year, they get very excited and help out with the decorations and the planning. Let’s face it, mummy loves to decorate and using my Pazzles Inspiration Cutter makes the whole job way more cost effective than buying expensive party decorations and we can customise them to our exact requirements. I find complete joy in the planning and creative process.

So, head on over to the Pazzles blog to read about how I created some lovely FROZEN inspired party décor without being obviously Disney Frozen. Stay tuned for part two where I will share Zachary’s Birthday Party photos with all the fun things I have lined up that don’t appear here yet! This second instalment will have more obviously Disney FROZEN characters!

Check back here in early September after Zachary’s Birthday to see the full creative story!


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